Post-property downturn building
Ok, so the media-hype has calmed down a little after scaring everyone that owns a house, is building a house, investing in a house, moving money to Australia to buy property to avoid local-governments stealing their money.
But now what? We are always questioning ourselves and checking ourselves. What are the signals, who’s suffering, who’s cutting-through all this noise and making a difference.
Well, as always, the builders are the ones that get slammed the most. “land value is decreasing, sales are low, no-one’s buying, but building costs are staying the same!”. Speaking to some of our industry friends, that’s hog-wash! Everyone is hurting - and everyone is zigging-and-zagging to come out of the other end of this rollercoaster ride with a smile and hope.
How are we making a difference? we’ll apart from our 5% better of a valid price, because we’re confident that our quality, service and speed will keep you coming back. So despite the marketing noise, we’re not going, we’re here to help and zig and zag with the rest to make sure this downturn doesn’t beat the best in the industry.